Configure Price Quote (CPQ) Solutions

How Salesforce CPQ Helps Increase Your Business Revenue?

Professional Services Industry includes software services, training, certification industry, etc. The majority of sales processes in this business are similar to the normal Sales process of a CRM platform. In terms of product structure and rules, the products and services sold are not overly complicated. Every company, on the other hand, has its method of pricing and offering discounts to clients.


Through configuration and customization options, Salesforce CPQ provides a solution to satisfy the pricing calculation demands. The sales cycle for professional services concludes with the formation of a project to track the actions related to the services sold to the customer. Salesforce CPQ can help with this as well.

CPQ provides the following key benefits:

Improved Quote Accuracy –

A quote may go through several iterations as a result of changes in various parameters. For instance, revision of activity duration of a resource that is working onsite. CPQ keeps track of the price per planned resource for a project and automates pricing implications so that all of these changes are calculated automatically. Each update in CPQ can be set up to automatically generate approvals.

Reduce data mismatch between quotes and projects –

In most cases, sales data is kept in a separate system that isn’t always integrated with the project management system. Many issues arise as a result of data discrepancies between what was mentioned and what is intended for the project. Data mismatches for activity time, resource responsibilities, rates, and other factors are eliminated when CPQ and other projects are integrated.

Streamline Quote Revisions –

After a project has begun, it is highly usual to get a change request or contract amendment. CPQ has a Quotation revision process that may be used to fulfill the needs of any revisions to an existing project, and it can also be used to manage change requests during the quote process.

The following is an example of a general use case from lead to quote to project:

Unlike regular Salesforce objects, you can create custom Salesforce objects. Custom objects are those that are generated by platform users to meet their specific needs. Though there are several objects already built into the platform of Salesforce CRM, they can’t cater to all the needs of every single organization. To circumvent this barrier, Salesforce has the option of custom objects, which allows customers to construct Salesforce objects that are unique to their business and serve specific functions.

A courier company, for example, could develop a custom object to hold each week’s schedule and shipment details. As a result, these objects store data that is specific to the company. Custom fields can be added to custom objects in addition to the normal Salesforce fields.

The procedure for revisions and change requests is as follows:

CPQ can also assist in all aspects of a project, including:

Finally, using CPQ’s Auto Creation of Quote Lines from Project Details, a quote may be created quickly, accurately, and directly from projects. Users can also create fully branded and completely Configurable Proposals and send them directly to Clients. With our expertise as one of the leading Salesforce Consulting Partners, Explore Our Salesforce CPQ Insights!
Salesforce object in Wahinnovations

What are Salesforce Objects?

The appropriate management of client data is one of the most difficult components of running a business. Customers are undoubtedly a company’s most valuable asset, and it’s critical to give them the greatest service possible. As years have passed, business organizations have diversified and customers have become more demanding. In addition, the number of clients served by a company is growing. Salesforce significantly decreases your sales team’s time and effort, allowing them to focus on other productive aspects of the business. Despite the fact that Salesforce simplifies many business operations for a company, knowing how it works in its entirety can be difficult. Salesforce Developers, consultants, and operators must be well-versed in the platform’s peculiarities in order to provide effective services to their clients.

What Are Standard Objects?

Standard Salesforce Objects are objects that have previously been built by the Salesforce platform for a specific project. These are the data-storage tablets that come pre-installed with Salesforce CRM and can be used in a variety of settings. These Salesforce objects require very little configuration and may be used by a wide range of enterprises.

Here are some of the most common Salesforce objects, simply explained:

1. Accounts –

These are the items that refer to people or businesses that are directly or indirectly involved in the operation of a business and with whom a company has a relationship. The most common accounts dealt with by a company organization are customers, partners, and competitors.

2. Contacts –

Individuals within an account make up these objects.

3. Opportunity –

These items are made up of events that are likely to generate money.

4. Case -

These objects contain any complaints that customers may have raised.

5. Solution –

These objects contain the resolutions supplied by the relevant team for client issues.

6. Forecast–

These objects contain a valid estimation of an organization’s revenue every quarter.

7. Document –

These objects are documents that are saved in certain folders throughout the system.

8. Folders —

These objects store critical documents and control who has access to them.

9. Report –

These objects are a useful study of all the data that is saved on the Salesforce platform.

10. Dashboards –

Dashboards are graphical representations of data generated by reports.

11. Activity –

These items hold key tasks or events on the calendar.

12. Products –

These objects include information on the products that a company deals with.

13. Orders –

These objects are a systematic record of all the products and services that customers have purchased.

14. Campaign –

These assets contain various marketing projects devised by an organization’s marketing team.

15. Lead –

These objects store a list of entities that appear to be interested in the advertised products and are likely to convert.

What are Custom Objects?

Unlike regular Salesforce objects, you can create custom Salesforce objects. Custom objects are those that are generated by platform users to meet their specific needs. Though there are several objects already built into the platform of Salesforce CRM, they can’t cater to all the needs of every single organization. To circumvent this barrier, Salesforce has the option of custom objects, which allows customers to construct Salesforce objects that are unique to their business and serve specific functions.

A courier company, for example, could develop a custom object to hold each week’s schedule and shipment details. As a result, these objects store data that is specific to the company. Custom fields can be added to custom objects in addition to the normal Salesforce fields.

Creating Custom Objects

Follow these simple steps to create a custom object that meets your specifications:
Salesforce Einstien

A Definitive Guide to Salesforce Einstein – 2022

Salesforce is places where you get everything you need to improve your business on a single platform, with little or no code. So to meet this AI-powered faster generation sales momentum, Salesforce came up with Einstein.

What is Salesforce Einstein?

Salesforce Einstein is an AI-powered CRM that integrates with Sales force’s Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform. It can take advantage of its huge user base by evaluating each and every action taken to enhance its capabilities. As it learns more, it provides more accurate analysis to the users. Salesforce customers benefit from predictive analytics, natural language processing (NLP), and machine learning capabilities based on data derived from each user action.

How Salesforce Einstein helps your business?

Features of Salesforce Einstein

There are 36 features in salesforce einstein which are further divided into 4 categories. Those categories are:

How can you Integrate Salesforce Einstein into your Business?

There are two ways to use einstein in your business.
1. Out-of-the-Box Applications
2. The Einstein Platform

1. Out of the Box Applications :-

In this, you can embed artificial intelligence in an app that is already being used by your team. This empowers you to achieve great results across different processes of your business. In this, einstein becomes an inherent part of the Salesforce UI.

2. The Einstein Platform :-

This is a platform where einstein enables developers and admins to build customized smart solutions to meet business requirements.



Einstein does have some issues and challenges but if you have a good amount of clean data, it can help you take your business to a whole new level. Since einstein runs on data let’s use data to prove its worth. Here are some figures that tell us how einstein has benefited different organizations to do better.
Salesforce Einstien

A Definitive Guide to Salesforce Einstein – 2024

Salesforce is places where you get everything you need to improve your business on a single platform, with little or no code. So to meet this AI-powered faster generation sales momentum, Salesforce came up with Einstein.

What is Salesforce Einstein?

Salesforce Einstein is an AI-powered CRM that integrates with Sales force’s Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform. It can take advantage of its huge user base by evaluating each and every action taken to enhance its capabilities. As it learns more, it provides more accurate analysis to the users. Salesforce customers benefit from predictive analytics, natural language processing (NLP), and machine learning capabilities based on data derived from each user action.

How Salesforce Einstein helps your business?

Features of Salesforce Einstein

There are 36 features in salesforce einstein which are further divided into 4 categories. Those categories are:

How can you Integrate Salesforce Einstein into your Business?

There are two ways to use einstein in your business.
1. Out-of-the-Box Applications
2. The Einstein Platform

1. Out of the Box Applications :-

In this, you can embed artificial intelligence in an app that is already being used by your team. This empowers you to achieve great results across different processes of your business. In this, einstein becomes an inherent part of the Salesforce UI.

2. The Einstein Platform :-

This is a platform where einstein enables developers and admins to build customized smart solutions to meet business requirements.



Einstein does have some issues and challenges but if you have a good amount of clean data, it can help you take your business to a whole new level. Since einstein runs on data let’s use data to prove its worth. Here are some figures that tell us how einstein has benefited different organizations to do better.
Relationship in Salesforce

What is Relationship in Salesforce?

In Salesforce, a relationship is a two-way link between two objects. We can use relationships to bind items together, as well as to build connections and display data about connected objects.

Different types of relationships in Salesforce: -

1. Lookup Relationships
2. Master-Detail Relationship
3. Many-to-Many Relationships
4. Self-Relationship

But Basically, We Are Used Two Relationship In Salesforce That Is: -

1. Lookup Relationships

2. Master-Detail Relationship

Lookup Relationships:

Both objects are weakly connected in this case, which implies that if one is destroyed, the other will not be deleted.

The behavior of the Look-Up relationship:

Some important points to remember:

When a child record is deleted and then restored from the recycle bin, the master-detail relationship is lost at the time of deletion and is not restored once the child/detail is restored. We can convert a master-detail to a look-up if the lookup field in all records has a value, and we can convert a look-up to a master detail if there is no roll-up summary field available.

How to create Lookup Relationships in Salesforce

Master-Detail Relationship

In this type of relationship, one object acts as a master and the other acts as a detail object. In other words, this relationship is similar to that of a parent and a child. When we want two objects to be strongly tied or dependent on each other, we utilize this form of relationship.

The behavior of Master-Detail relationship:

How to create Master-Detail relationship in Salesforce


Knowledge in Salesforce Flow

Knowledge in Salesforce Flow

Flow is an automation tool provided by Salesforce which can perform various tasks like sending an Email, Posting a chatter, Sending custom Notifications &, etc. Salesforce Flow is the most powerful automation tool available. Flow Builder is the most powerful tool available to a Salesforce Admin, offering you similar capabilities as Salesforce developers.

What are flows in Salesforce?

A flow is a Salesforce Flow component that collects data and performs actions in your Salesforce org or another system.

Salesforce Flow provides two types of flows: screen flow and auto launched flows. To automate a business process that collects data from people who use a screen flow.

Screen Flow:

You can utilize ScreenFlow to construct a custom UI (user interface) and guide users through a business process that can be launched from Lightning Pages, Experience Cloud (formerly known as Community Cloud), quick actions, and other places.

Auto launched Flow:

When Apex, Process Builder, or even REST API is invoked, it launches.

  • Flows are accessible through the Setup menu—->Quick Find box
  • Type ‘Flows’ and create a new Flow to get started.

There are three blocks of Flow.

  • Elements
  • Connectors
  • Resources


Each piece represents an action, such as presenting or collecting data from flow users, or querying, generating, updating, and removing data in Salesforce.


At run time, connectors decide the possible channels that a flow can take. A connector in Flow Builder appears on the canvas as an arrow pointing from one element to another.


Resources are the individual data variables used in a Flow – these can be text strings, integers, records, equations, or collections.

User Adoption Strategies

Strategies to Increase Salesforce User Adoption in 2024

The best part about developing a Salesforce adoption strategy is that you can get started right immediately, no matter where you are in your Salesforce journey. 

Whether you’re thinking about purchasing Salesforce, are in the process of deploying it, or have been using it for years, the adoption process will be similar.

What is user adoption in Salesforce?

Salesforce user adoption assesses how well users have integrated Salesforce into their day-to-day tasks.

User adoption reflects how successfully the Salesforce Admin (and development teams) have set and customized Salesforce to meet the specific demands of the enterprise.

While the UX (user experience) and UI (user interface) are important, Salesforce user adoption has three key factors: 

  1. Onboarding: It is the process of introducing new users to Salesforce.
  2. Tracking: It is the process of collecting quantitative (and qualitative) analytics about how users engage with Salesforce.
  3. Optimization: Changes to the interface or automation that boost user productivity.

What is a user adoption strategy?

User adoption refers to the process that new users go through to begin working with your product and commit to utilizing it in the long run. 

They have consciously decided to replace an old product with a new product or system that is better suited to their needs and more successful in assisting them in achieving their goals.

What are the strategies to increase Salesforce user adoption?

The following are the top four Salesforce adoption strategies:

1.Organizational Capability

It is the point at which the Salesforce adoption strategy should begin. You can create an amazing plan, but it will fail if the leadership does not believe in the instrument. 

Obtaining their support will speed up the adoption process to set a good example. They would be crucial in persuading others to take the initiative.

2. Salesforce Usage Data

The main issue is the lack of awareness about how employees use the tool. After a Salesforce implementation, it is important to review several types of data to determine where Salesforce Adoption stands.

3. Process Compliance and Data Quality

Data quality is an important statistic for measuring just to know how quickly your employees enter data into the app. But also how well they adhere to procedural compliance.

It is essential to follow the business process as planned to achieve company goals. Each stage of the process is important, from following the instructions to inputting the data to ensuring data integrity.

4.Training Methodology

Creating a comprehensive Salesforce training course and providing live classroom sessions for employees is the typical approach taken by most organizations. 

While this training style appears to be effective, the information overload causes employees to forget 70% of what they learned in a matter of a day.


Achieving optimal Salesforce adoption rates is a time-consuming process, but it doesn’t take a lot of effort.

Salesforce user adoption strategy has its own set of obstacles, but WahInnovations can assist you in removing some of the biggest roadblocks that most firms confront and strategizing more effectively. To learn more, go to

Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Salesforce Marketing Cloud: Key Components and Benefits

By incorporating Salesforce Marketing Cloud into your business, you can transform your customer experience.

Furthermore, You’ll understand your consumers better, engage them throughout their journey, and deliver tailored customer experiences across all channels with this powerful marketing automation platform.

In this blog, we will cover everything from what is Salesforce Marketing Cloud? and what are its benefits and key points?

What is Salesforce Marketing Cloud?

Salesforce Marketing Cloud is a tool that delivers relevant, customized experiences to your target audiences across the ideal channels and devices.
Furthermore, The Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC) platform has four “basic variants,” each with varying levels of functionality. As a result, To improve functionality, more low-cost components might be employed.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud is also a feature-rich platform with marketing-related features. It is for designing and managing successful marketing campaigns as well as nurturing client connections.

Benefits of using Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Here are some benefits you will discover when you begin to use Salesforce Marketing Cloud.

Create a Personalized Customer Journey

The Marketing Cloud’s power is in personalizing customer journeys.  SMC  can also capture and trigger data from the first, second, and third parties.

Improve Your Customer Understanding

Salesforce Market Cloud allows you to link data from many sources and devices to create comprehensive and unified customer knowledge.

Also, It integrates data with your marketing operations to assist you in optimizing them.

Create Targeted Call-to-Actions

Personalization of Tailored Call-to-Actions allows you to send targeted unique CTAs to each customer based on their profile features, actions, and interests.
Furthermore, it enables you to reach them most effectively.

Impact Analysis

With the use of AI and Google Analytics 360, Impact Analysis Marketing Cloud users can do analytics on consumers’ journeys across numerous channels and devices.

Artificial Intelligence for Customization

Salesforce Marketing Cloud users can utilize AI to manage interactions by combining data with Einstein technologies. As a result, the platform enables you to tailor your client encounters based on your brand interactions.

Key components of Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Now that you’ve learned about Salesforce Marketing Cloud and its benefits, it’s time to learn about key components of the Salesforce Marketing Cloud.

1. Journey Builder

Salesforce Cloud Marketing’s Journey Builder is a visual mapping tool.

Basically, It allows you to develop customer journeys using email, push notifications, social media, ads, and the web.

2. Email Studio

Afterward, Email Studio enables marketers to build relationships with customers and generate engagements by delivering the right email campaign at the right time.

3. Data Studio

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Data Studio lets you collaborate with other marketers and publishers to gain unique customer insights and enhance revenues.

4. Social Studio

Social Studio is a one-stop tool for social media marketing and management.

In addition, Listening, monitoring, and engaging with your social media audience can help you improve your social media marketing.

5. Advertising Studio

Advertising Studio allows you to manage ad campaigns at scale and launch them directly from Journey Builder.

6. Mobile Studio

Mobile Studio is the most effective tool for delivering time-sensitive messages directly to the device that customers use the most.

7. Interaction Studio

Interaction Studio’s real-time interaction management allows you to manage online and offline consumer experiences.


Salesforce Marketing Cloud is a comprehensive collection of tools that are, to put it mildly, stunning and intriguing. Moreover, Wahinnovations can assist you in integrating Salesforce Marketing Cloud into your organization. To discover more about us and Salesforce Cloud Marketing, go to
Maximize your ROI

Salesforce Features That Can Maximize Your ROI in 2024

Salesforce has remained at the forefront of CRM technology with its feature upgrades. As digitalization keeps spreading, an increasing number of businesses are turning to digital selling to stay competitive. As a result, there is a noticeable surge in Salesforce consulting and implementation for businesses. 

Salesforce continues to bring new features and products to the market year after year. Salesforce is unique in that it regularly releases new feature sets for enterprises. Several versions every year, new features, convenience, the list goes on and on.

With such innovation, those who use Salesforce technology must continue to explore ways to stay ahead of the curve. For many clients, the concept of evolution inside a Salesforce implementation needs information on how a Salesforce implementation can increase business ROI (Return on Investment). When considering ROI and how it affects the profit margins, two factors automatically come to mind: time and money.

Salesforce features that can help you maximize your ROI

The Salesforce platform is highly adaptable and adjustable, providing organizations and customers with a wide range of features. The list of features is broad.

Below are some of the top features that can assist organizations in optimizing their Salesforce implementation.

Lightning Page Performance for Productivity

Have you ever worked as an administrator or end-user in a Salesforce org where the lightning pages are neither inconsistent nor optimized?

Salesforce created Lightning Page Performance to address this issue. While working with Salesforce org, this powerful feature allows users to manage inconsistent not optimized lightning pages. The Lightning Page Performance tool is natively created with Lightning App Builder for doing all the analysis.

End users can execute their tasks much more quickly and efficiently by leveraging Lightning Page Performance and optimizing the location of the lightning component while avoiding distractions when opening several pages to complete their daily activities.

In-App Guidance for Engagements

Maintaining employee engagement involves processes that benefit them, from onboarding new employees to user adoption for systematic enhancements. Employees who work in complex sales and support cycles may find it difficult to remember all the steps required to complete the job.

The In-App Guidance feature helps employees navigate the system by providing reminders, tips, and gradual walk-throughs. You can also set this feature to display a floating message in the utility bar to track the effectiveness of your implementations.

Furthermore, this feature provides resources to users even before they notice they have a need, which helps increase the company’s ROI.

Salesforce Survey for Feedback

To maximize Salesforce ROI, a company must first understand where the opportunities for improvement exist. Long sales processes, product-related issues, slow response time, and others. However, analyzing the root of the problem is required before implementing change.

Salesforce Surveys allow you to implement a feedback collection strategy at any point in the marketing, sales, or support cycle. Salesforce Surveys includes a wide range of features, such as the ability to customize email templates for survey workflows (add rich text, images, and branding). Also, Salesforce Survey automate survey distribution to customers.

Social Studio for Marketing

Organizations use Social Studio to interact with prospects and customers on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and others. 

Moreover, Social Studio connects your marketing and sales team to customers. By allowing customers to communicate on their terms across platforms, this tool allows employees to develop both purposeful and personal relationships with them.

AI and Data-Driven Intelligence

Einstein, the AI-powered Sales Cloud, was released in 2017 to provide data-driven predictions, insights, and suggestions to assist in making better lead/sales decisions.It does this while continuously learning from your CRM data regarding team effectiveness, whitespace, and pipeline patterns. Consider the time, energy, and opportunity costs that Einstein brings to the table by automating data analytics.

360° View with Command Center

Salesforce developed another enhanced tool called Command Center to complement the Social Studio feature.

By aggregating all customer touchpoints and analyses into a single pane of glass, Command Center visualizes facts on how your customers interact with your brand. 

In addition, To do this, Command Center centralizes real-time data from Marketing CloudTM, Service CloudTM, Sales CloudTM, digital experiences, goods, and rivals to drive brand health statistics across all user interaction points.


Businesses must know how to utilize Salesforce features to boost business ROI. Salesforce ROI focuses on two key areas: growing revenue and lowering the cost of your investment. It would be beneficial if you ensure that you and your employees are doing all possible to fulfill both goals.

Our salesforce specialist can assist you in customizing the Salesforce infrastructure to meet your specific business needs.

The Best Ways to Use the Salesforce Inventory Management App in Business

The Best Ways to Use the Salesforce Inventory Management App in Business

Every business, large or small, should have some sort of inventory management system in place to keep track of their stock, and many do. The issue is that many of these businesses are not making the most of their inventory management. If this describes you, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Implementing Salesforce inventory management app best practices in your business is critical because they will help you save time and money in novel and exciting ways that you may not have considered previously.

In general, the three ways to use the Salesforce inventory management tool in business are:

  • Update Purchase Orders Record
  • Inventory Stock in Budget by Month 
  • Begin by Utilising Inventory Management Software 

Update Purchase Orders Record

Changing purchase orders after creating is a common problem for businesses. Sometimes you need to make date alterations and quantity adjustments, and other times you need to account for incomplete deliveries and receiving problems. This causes many issues because inventory predictions rely primarily on the precise purchase order information.

Inventory Stock in Budget by Month

Make it a monthly effort to develop inventory budgets, and keep a regular reminder to schedule buy orders when necessary to avoid stockouts. The benefit of scheduling once a month is that it frees up your inventory budget by causing you to take action on all of your overstocked items. Undoubtedly, It becomes an easy process with the help of the Salesforce warehouse management tool.

Begin by Utilising Inventory Management Software 

Stop using Excel to keep track of your inventory! Spreadsheets are time-consuming and do not always accurately depict inventory levels. You should invest in tools that will assist you in determining how much inventory you have on hand and when to reorder.

Final Thoughts

These methods are the use of cutting-edge technology to assist you to automate your various warehouse business activities. Visit for more information on the best Salesforce inventory management platform for your organization.